Haphazard Kittie

Kittie, aka Alice Crowley (AliceCrowley) or Wonderdust Supertramp is a lovely Latvian model who used to live in London, and still visits frequently. I shot her with our mutual friend Alison Wonderland, one of my favourite shoots :) Then she came back a year later with dramatically different hair, and I have since visited her Riga!
2025-03-02 -
2025-03-02 - "Deep Black"
The dress is so black, light just falls into it
2024-08-04 -
2024-08-04 - "You Can Touch It"
Kittie asked if it was safe to touch the electricity pylon. I said it would be a pretty dangerous world if it wasn't! She even ended up climbing it.
2024-07-28 -
2024-07-28 - "Well Girly"
Kittie doesn't often do a girly look, but she does here.
2024-03-17 -
2024-03-17 - "Awesome Coat"
I was awestruck by the coat when Kittie arrived. So were the plumbers working on a leak outside my front door! I just smiled at them like I have girls looking…
2023-07-30 -
2023-07-30 - "Well That's Different"
This white outfit certainly looked different to Kittie's normal costumes.
2023-04-02 -
2023-04-02 - "Stand On The Bed"
Kittie had had enough of sitting on the bed, so I let her stand on it instead :)
2022-09-04 -
2022-09-04 - "An Experience With Oil"
Kittie hadn't done oil before. We did it twice here, once in the photo set, and then we made a film.
2022-07-24 -
2022-07-24 - "Unlike Her"
Kittie doesnt really do the soft lingerie thing, but she had this gown so we gave it a go!
2022-02-20 -
2022-02-20 - "She Fits"
This is one of the dresses I bought with my girlfriend Su. She is tiny, and most models don't fit it. Kittie does!
2022-01-09 -
2022-01-09 - "Bring Up The Red"
The dress is obviously red. I decided to make it even redder!
2021-12-19 -
2021-12-19 - "Clash Combination"
That dress could clash with anything :)
2021-11-07 -
2021-11-07 - "Matronly Skirt"
The skirt is a bit more of a grandmother's skirt, I thought :) Not so the rest of the outfit.